Medical support officers and counsellors

Our Doctors and Counsellors at Crime Victim Services Pakistan are duly Liscenced/certified by respective organisations/institutions and have a variety of education and experiences in addition to a minimum bachelor in their field. (As per information provided by them)
Our Doctors and Counsellors work directly with victims of all crimes,(both prosecuted and non-prosecuted) as and whenever and however requested by the victim (or family) and till the time felt necessary by the victim(or family) while personally ensuring compliance to all the existing laws of the land.
All of our Doctors and Counsellors are ready and willing (on probono /volunteer /free lancer basis) to assist the victims (and their family) from the time an attempt is made to commit a crime against victim till the decision of that crime from the highest forum available (in Pakistan the President of Pakistan).
None of our Doctors/ Counsellors are entitled to any salary or retainership fees or any direct or indirect payment from CVS or Chairman/CEO of CVS and therefore are allowed to do any other job or take up any other assignment to make their both ends meet.